After I graduated, I took a trip to Sydney Australia for the first time. Of course this was my first trip abroad. At that time I hadn't gone to language school to study seriously, and I wasted a lot of time and money, but now I realize that trip was the starting line for my life as a traveler.
Since then, I have visited over 100 countries. I even lived in Shanghai, China for work for a time. And I once participated in a 3-week tour in Central America. These were all amazing experiences.
I am often asked, “What country do you recommend?
My answer to that is, "Every country is interesting in its own way. If I had all the time and money in the world, I'd want to visit all of them multiple times. I’ve only seen such a small part of the world.”
There is just one request I have as a person who loves to travel. And that is for a world at peace. I want a world where anyone who has a ticket can travel anywhere in the world without a passport.
What I can contribute to that bold ideal is to tell people how amazing travel is. There is nothing better than enjoying a delicious local meal with other global travelers. After all, that’s why I established Tabimori, Inc. to spread food culture.
My life’s journey is a long way from being over.
(About Sushiuniversity)
I am a founder of Sushi University and also manage most of the articles on our websites.
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